Countdown to the Moon

1787 – Blanca

Countdown to the Moon

1788 – Katelyn

In 2024 astronauts will once again step on the surface of the moon and begin truly exploring the moon. We will learn how to survive and thrive in deep space. Learn about the ancient history of earth’s past through the preserves meteors on the surface of the moon. We will learn to use the water ice, dry ice, and ammonia ice on the poles of the moon. We will learn how to protect ourselves from radiation. How to grow food, how to mine, and how to manufacture on the moon. It will be remembered as the time that life really began branching out into space from earth.

I talked to Katelyn about this. She had not heard about the Artemis program, but she is excited about it. She would definitely go into space if she could.

Countdown to the Moon

1789 – Chris

Chris heard we are going back to the moon. He is excited about it. He is interested in the technical aspects of designing spacecraft and science.

Countdown to the Moon

1790 – Qasim

Countdown to the Moon

1791 – Aubrey

In 2024 NASA will land people on the moon. We will begin our push to expand out into the solar system in a real way, learning to use the water ice, seeing what we can mind, and starting to really “live off the land”.

This is exciting news. I talked to Aubrey about it. She had not heard about it. The administration needs to make an announcement and a bigger deal out of it. Aubrey thinks it is exciting. Regarding the first woman on the moon “it’s about time”

Countdown to the Moon

1792 – Adeeba

Countdown to the Moon

1793 – CaneLee

By the end of 2024 NASA is planning to have people on the moon as part of the Artemis program. We need to do more work getting the word out. CaneLee has not heard about it, but thinks it is exciting. Someday it might be possible for many of us to go to the moon. After a few people go and show that it is safe, he might consider going as well.

Countdown to the Moon

1794 – Lisa

Lisa recently moved from Germany. She had not heard that NASA was sending people back to the moon in 2024, but Space Center Houston and social media are good ways to get the word out. She needs to find out more about why we are going to the moon before forming an opinion. Science could be a reason to justify it, but national prestige is not a reason to spend the money. She is not interested in traveling to space her self.

Countdown to the Moon

1795 – Opal

In less than 1795 days NASA will have people on the moon again. Opal thinks this is exciting, but she just found out about it from me. She knew that it was the 1970s since the last time we went and this is understandable considering how much it costs. But if it were safe and affordable, she would go.

Countdown to the Moon

1796 – Syed

Syed has not heard about NASA’s plans to put people back on the moon. He does not see the benefits. It would be better for us to invest the resources into something that we did not do 50 years ago, he pointed out. However he would go if he could… for the adventure.