The Launch Pod 003 – January 27, 2022
July 13, 2021 – The Record – OC Native excited about return to Space – by Penny LeLeux

COUNTING DOWN TO 2024: Most people support the Trump administration goal of a crewed lunar landing in 2024 — but also doubt the lofty goal can be achieved that quickly, according to a series of interviews conducted by Nathan Price, founder of the NSS North Houston Space Society. Price has plans to interview a new person every day until 2024 for his “Countdown to the Moon” project. Interviews with more than 200 people, including a nurse working on Covid-19 testing, a science fiction writer, and an elementary school teacher, have already been posted on his website. The goal is to provide future space enthusiasts a glimpse at how Americans perceived the importance of space exploration ahead of the return to the moon.
Before the pandemic, Price interviewed strangers at coffee shops, the mall, or the airport to create a “time capsule” of viewpoints. But he has been forced to look for new interview subjects online. Price started the project in December 2019 and still has more than 1600 people to go, so is looking for volunteers who want to be interviewed.

How cool is this? Nathan Price, who graduated from Orangefield has an ongoing project, “Countdown to the Moon.”
What’s Happening Orange County? March 28, 2020 Penny LeLeux
NASA plans on going back to the moon in 2024 and Nathan is interviewing one everyday person a day until then about NASA’s plans. He originally was doing the interviews in person, until the COVID-19 crisis hit. Now he is doing them online…and today he contacted me! If you want to check out his previous interviews, they are on his website:
He has over 100 interviews so far. Something different you can check out while you are social distancing…