Category: Countdown to the Moon
1605 – Ommara
1606 – Purna
1607 – Nidhi
1608 – Briana
1609 – Gentry
1610 – Jessa
1611 – Dave
Dave is a business development manager at nPAE Precision Astro Engineering that makes accessories for amateur astronomers. He also volunteers with MediCinema that allows for patients at St. Thomas hospital to see films while they are recovering.
We talked about astronomy, the challenges of light pollution, and the opportunities of putting observatories all over the world in remote areas. The return to the moon is not something that is being covered in a significant way in the UK. Hopefully as we make more progress and the participation of ESA and the UK space agency, there will be more attention to it. Returning to space is foundational to the future of humanity.
Would Dave go to space if it were safe and affordable? Absolutely. Definitely as far as the moon, but potentially to Mars if it was a round trip.